The MPI-Mainz UV/VIS Spectral Atlas

of Gaseous Molecules of Atmospheric Interest

Hannelore Keller-Rudek1, Geert K. Moortgat2, Rolf Sander2, Rüdiger Sörensen1

1Satellite Group

2Atmospheric Chemistry Division

Max-Planck Institute for Chemistry
Mainz, Germany


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Contact, Imprint, Acknowledgements

When referring to the Spectral Atlas, please cite our publication:

Keller-Rudek, H., Moortgat, G. K., Sander, R., and Sörensen, R.: The MPI-Mainz UV/VIS spectral atlas of gaseous molecules of atmospheric interest, Earth Syst. Sci. Data, 5, 365–373, (2013), DOI: 10.5194/essd-5-365-2013

Cross Sections / Halogen oxides / Cl oxides / ClOOCl(not,ratherCl2O3) / MolinaMolina(1987)_240K_200-346nm

DATAFILE: ClOOCl(not,ratherCl2O3)_MolinaMolina(1987)_240K_200-346nm.txt
NAME: dichlorine dioxide or dichlorine trioxide
FORMULA: ClOOCl(not,ratherCl2O3)
AUTHOR(YEAR): MolinaMolina(1987)
T: 240K
λ: 200-346nm
BIBLIOGRAPHY: L.T. Molina and M.J. Molina, "Production of Cl2O2 from the self-reaction of the ClO radical", J. Phys. Chem. 91, 433-436 (1987); DOI: 10.1021/j100286a035
COMMENTS: Reaction of Cl atoms with one of three different ClO precursors: O3, Cl2O, or OClO and absorption measurements using a double beam spectrophotometer

The spectrum has been assigned to ClOOCl, but later identified as Cl2O3, see e.g.

M.H. Harwood, D.M. Rowley, R.A. Freshwater, R.A. Cox, and R.L. Jones, "A spectroscopic study of Cl2O3," J. Chem. Soc. Faraday Trans. 91, 3027-3032 (1995); DOI: 10.1039/FT9959103027

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